小女人 发表于 2013-4-16 13:41:44

英语语言文学真题 回忆 二外法语




2.完型20分   10个选择空,这题几年考的很难,考了世界杯的话题,我看了三四遍下来也只能确定三四个,其他主要是靠感觉写的,特别注重单词的考查
4 翻译 15分一篇法语小短文翻译成中文   里面很多生单词
5 作文 15   今年的作文题是j'ai un reve

1 英美概况 和文学知识以及语言学常识 ,和专八类型一样15分,选择题
2 阅读四篇   每篇后面五个选择题,难度和专八相当或简单40分
3完型 一篇20个选项20分
4 词汇与语法记不清多少个了,选择题,20个左右,一分一题
5 翻译五个句子,难度挺大,20分
6 作文 25    具体内容记不清了,和专八类型差不多

英语专业晨读美文-哲理篇 8 Restraints to SoarOne windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing. As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a string kept them in check.

    Instead of blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great heights. They shook and pulled, but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and kept them in tow, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites struggled and trembled against the string, they seemed to say,” Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” they soared beautifully even as they fought the restriction of the string. Finally, one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose. “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.”
    Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. ”Free at last”, free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown helplessly along the ground, and to lodge lifeless against the first obstruction.

    How much like kites we sometimes are. The heaven gives us adversity and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength. Restraint is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition. Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained. We keep part of the commandment and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

    Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.

是关于朋友的    我不知道出处是哪哦,文章长度和 英译中差不大,难度不大

3.单词填空 20分
给出一篇文章,挖出20空,根据意思填入20个单词   整体挺简单
4。 给出5个句子划出出了10个单词,写出同义词    10分
5作文 40分,字数350-400    题目是English learning and globalization

差不多就是这样了 ,以后想起来还会补充的,
祝各位好运哦 !
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